[新聞] 《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起2》釋出多張蜘蛛人與關史黛西片場情報照

by hsphere

導演馬克偉柏(Marc Webb)執導的《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起2》(The Amazing Spider-man 2)釋出了大量的片場情報照!從照片中我們可以看到,蜘蛛人帶著關史黛西一起懸吊的畫面,雖然不曉得這個場景發生了什麼事?但猜測是蜘蛛人正試圖拯救關的過程!

《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起2》的卡司包括了安德魯加菲(Andrew Garfield)、艾瑪史東(Emma Stone)、雪琳伍德利(Shailene Woodley),反派角色更網羅了金獎影帝傑米福克斯(Jamie Foxx)飾演電人以及保羅喬馬蒂(Paul Giamatti)飾演犀牛人,而夜貓一角則可能由費莉絲蒂瓊斯(Felicity Jones)飾演。預計2014年5月上映。


Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone on location for  "The Amazing Spiderman 2"

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - June 3, 2013

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - June 3, 2013

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - June 3, 2013

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - June 3, 2013

Celebrity Sightings In New York City - June 3, 2013


